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Transform Accounting: From 320 Hours to 20 Minutes a Day with AI!

Revolutionize your accounting office with our innovative robot utilizing artificial intelligence! Watch our video to see how automating processes in the Electronic Document Flow system can transform your daily work. Process 320 hours of manual work in just 20 minutes a day, minimizing errors and maximizing efficiency.  ...

Discover a new dimension of efficiency in healthcare with our robot!

In today's rapidly evolving world of medicine, where every second of a doctor's time is invaluable, we present an innovative solution that revolutionizes daily work in hospitals. Our robot is not just technology; it's your new assistant in the battle against bureaucracy, allowing doctors to...

Is your data organized?

Learn how to access and manage all your documents and data within your familiar SharePoint view, no matter in which systems the documents are stored. Cluttered or Clean: Is Your Data Organized? CAN A METADATA-DRIVEN DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT PLATFORM KEEPYOUR SHAREPOINT AND TEAMS DATA ORGANIZED AND OPTIMIZED? Most organizations...

Case study: Crowe UK

Crowe manages 500,000-plus documents in M-Files, offering employees a single view into information regardless of which system it's stored in. Driving Digitization and Connecting Content Across Platforms. Crowe U.K. LLP enables seamless collaboration, automates information-driven business processes with M-Files. Crowe U.K. LLP (Crowe UK) is a leading audit,...

M-Files Ment – How visual automation can boost scalability

Save time, save money, and boost ROI with a 100% visual, highly scalable no-code document automation solution. It's simply the new reality: To scale your law firm or in-house legal team to the peak of efficiency and profitability requires digital transformation. While there are dozens of...

Optimizing your Microsoft investment

Shed a light on your information management strategy. Protect productivity and the bottom line—integrate M-Files into your Microsoft 365 suite today. With Word, PowerPoint, Excel, SharePoint, and dozens of other helpful office tools,Microsoft 365 has evolved into the modern must-have productivity suite for the vast majority...